BaF2 Scintillation Crystal
Barium fluoride (BaF2) has an emission component with subnanosecond decay time that yields very fast timing. It is a scintillator showing two wavelengths of emission (310 nm and 295 nm). The emission at 220nm has an emission with sub nanosecond decay time interesting for timing applications. Using special electronics, time resolutions around 200 ps are possible for small detector geometries.
1 ) Positron lifetime studies
2 ) Time of flight measurements
3 ) Positron emission tomography (PET)
4 ) Certain high-energy physics applications
1 ) Subnanosecond decay time
2 ) Two wavelengths of emission (310 nm and 295 nm)
Density (g/cm3) | 4.88 |
Melting Point (K) | 16.27 |
Thermal Expansion Coefficient (C-1) | 18.4 x 10-6 |
Cleavage Plane | <111> |
Hardness (Mhos) | 3 |
Hygroscopic | Slightly |
Wavelength of Emission Max. (nm) | 310 / 220(195) |
Lower Wavelength Cutoff (nm) | 135 |
Refractive Index @ Emission Max. | 150(310nm) 1.54(220nm) |
Primary Decay Time (ns) | 630 (slow) / 0.6-0.8 (fast) |
Light Yield (photons/KeV) | 10 (slow) / 1.8 (fast) |
Photoelectron Yield (% of NaI(Tl)) (for γ-rays) | 16 (slow) / 3 (fast) |